While Salman Khan's long lost wish to do a film with Deepika Padukone still remains in news, Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan comfortably shoots up to fame snatching away Dippy from the actor! Wondering where we are heading this to? Well, if reports are to be believed true then Aamir and Deepika have been signed for a forthcoming film under Farhan Akthar and Ritesh Sidhwani's production banner, Excel Entertainment. Yes! Isn't that wooww? While, an official announcement on the same is yet to be made, but sources narrate that our busy bee Deepika has already made time for this new project! Well, seems like Bollywood's perfection is soon to join hands with gorgeous diva! What more can one ask for right? So keep the excitements hyped and do tell us what do you think of this pair in the comments section below and for latest Bollywood updates and juicy celebrity gossips, don't forget to subscribe Bollywooduncut!